Providing custom research and development services

Censeo Field and Lab acts as the R&D firm of your business, helping you produce the right protocols for the trials needed to develop your new product. 

Our dedicated team provides custom-tailored solutions and comprehensive service packages to the seed, livestock, and agrochemical industries and R&D investment sectors.

We provide bespoke research and development solutions through:

  • Field Trials, Protocol Development

  • New Crop/Product Development 

  • Regulatory Services

Who We Work For

Field Trials

Censeo Field and Lab provides professional and accurate commercial field trials, specifically tailored to your needs.

We start from the ground level as we undertake remote and proximal sensing to better understand the field we're testing and all factors that might interfere with getting the best data set. 

Protocol Development

In conducting commercial field trials, we help you develop statistically robust protocols needed for your research trials. Our team works with you to develop detailed protocols that will fit your needs. 

New Crop/ Product Development 

Looking to establish a new product in the Australian market? Our team work with you to trial your crops, plants, livestock and more under the right conditions to develop them for the market. 

Regulatory Services

The Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority is responsible for assessing and registering agricultural and veterinary chemical proposals for supply in Australia. Censeo assists clients in navigating the APVMA’s requirements to acquire the permits needed to interact with Australian markets.

We help clients navigate the AQIS’s import requirements to assess and understand your product within Australia’s biosecurity guidelines by obtaining the right permits to allow your product into Australia. 


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Learn about our bespoke product development services.

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